Instructor: Midpoint Reflection

At the midpoint, more comes into focus. It's possible to see where students are succeeding vs. struggling, what pitfalls are apparent in designing this learning experience, what workload this really is. Now's the time for an instructor to reflect and course correct, just like we ask students to. And, it's a good time to start communicating expectations for your own holistic evaluation as well as how students can think about theirs.

As before, this template includes a column for responses to share with students vs. space for private notes.

Instructor Midpoint Reflection

Block out an hour of quiet time on your calendar to complete the following prompts, in a space where you can write without distractions. You should plan to complete this after reading student midpoint reflections.

Response to Share
Internal Notes

What are the qualities you see in strong student work thus far when it comes to process?

What are the qualities you see in strong student work thus far when it comes to product?

What are students learning that you did not expect to see?

What is not going well in the operations of the course (that is, the parts that are under your control)? Are there things that can be changed now to make things easier? If so, what are the changes and how will you make them?

What do you hope to see students learn that they have not yet learned?

What lessons have you learned that you will apply to future courses and projects?

What are some common themes in student work thus far (process and product)?

What criteria are you thinking about when you assess student work (process and product)?

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