Instructor: Initial Reflection

Learning is a journey for student and instructor alike - just as it's important for students to take stock of where they are at the start of the course, it's also valuable for instructors to do this! This sets the tone for the course, and establishes the course as a space where everyone is exploring and learning together. It also sets a baseline to compare against at the midpoint and close of the course, providing a reminder to my future self of what I am hoping students will learn, what I expect they already know, and what I am observing early in the term.

This worksheet is structured into two columns, one for my own internal thoughts, and one for what I plan to share with students as part of the ongoing reflective conversation. The "response to share" column can be posted to canvas or discussed with students on the second day of class, after student reflections are complete. Sharing your reflections also serves as a model for what you expect from reflective writing!

Initial Reflection

Block out a quiet time on your calendar to complete the following prompts. You should plan to complete this after the first class period but before reviewing any student work or designing activities for future classes.

Response to Share
Internal Notes

What is motivating you to teach this course and/or approach it the way you are? Try to focus less on external requirements (e.g. departmental need) and more on intrinsic motivation.

How does this course relate to your broader goals, both in teaching and beyond (e.g. research, service)?

What do you hope students learn in this class in terms of content and technical knowledge?

What do you hope students learn in this class in terms of transferrable skills?

What do you hope to learn yourself through teaching this course?

Think back on the last time you taught this, or a similar, course. What went well that you want to replicate?

And what needed improvement that you aim to do for this class?

What is your plan for completing the work necessary to teach this class? Think about the types of work, time it will take, and where you best do work of these types.

How will you preserve your free time this term?

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